Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in Photos

It's been a busy year.  Between school, work and everything else, I haven't shot nearly as much as I have in the past.  Here are my favorite photos:

In May Mushna and I took a vacation to Moab.

Moab, May 2011

Moab, May 2011

Moab, May 2011

In June I took some 2 year old photos of my Nephew Rylan for my sister.  He wasn't having it at all, but I did manage to get a couple of good shots:

Rylan, 2 Years Old

Rylan, 2 Years Old

Soon after that, I ended up doing some photos for my cousin Blaise.  He wasn't happy to get his photos taken either, but he did get a little more cooperative:

Blaise - 2 Years Old

Blaise - 2 Years Old

Blaise - 2 Years Old

Blaise - 2 Years Old

My friend Dave asked me to send him a few photos for him:

Photos of Dave

Photos of Dave

In August, Mushna and I visited San Francisco and did a Photowalk with one of my Flickr friends, Deborah:

Chinatown Photowalk

Chinatown Photowalk

We also saw Alcatraz:




The Golden Gate Bridge:

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

This fall we visited the Alpine Loop and Cascade Springs.  I used this trip to practice some natural light portraiture:

First Fall Shoot, Alpine Loop, 2011

First Fall Shoot, Alpine Loop, 2011

First Fall Shoot, Alpine Loop, 2011

On a very cold overcast morning, I shot the Christmas card photos for my sister's veterinary office, The Riverwoods Pet Hospital:

Riverwoods Pet Hospital

Riverwoods Pet Hospital

In September, my Grandpa was honored before the BYU vs Utah football game for his military service.  He fired the cannon to start the game:

BYU vs Utah Football Game - 09-17-11

And finally, a few weeks ago I shot my sister's Christmas Card photos:

Erica's Family Photos, Winter 2011

Probably the best photo this year was this one:

Clouds over the Mountains

It was chosen as one of the top 5 photos in the Flickr group for Alien Skin and as a result, I won their photo bundle of software.  Pretty exciting stuff.

I guess my new years resolution is to get out and shoot more next year.  I have been so busy I didn't even realize how little I've shot this year.  Mushna gave me a B+W 110 Neutral Density filter so I'm definitely looking at getting into more landscape photography.  For some examples of what this filter is capable of, look through this Flickr group:

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