Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kolab Canyon, July 2009

Our last hike on the vacation was in the Northern end of Zion. It's a smaller canyon called Kolob Canyon. If you were to drive up there to look at it, you probably wouldn't be as impressed as you were with Zion. There is a small five mile road which takes you to a view point where you can see the entire canyon. Along the way there are turnouts and parking spaces at the trail heads. We took the Middle Fork Taylor Creek trail up to the Double Arch Alcove. I think the actual arch is further up, but we stopped at the alcove and went back. The hike was around 5 miles round trip but worth it.

Here is the link to the album:

I think this is my favorite photo of the trip (actually two of them. I can't decide which I like more):
Kolob Canyon July, 2009

Kolob Canyon July, 2009

Here are some photos of the alcove.
Kolob Canyon July, 2009

Kolob Canyon July, 2009

Kolob Canyon July, 2009

The trail heading into the alcove was cool, too. It crossed the stream multiple times.
Kolob Canyon July, 2009

This is leading back out of the trail up to the parking area.
Kolob Canyon July, 2009

And finally, here's my Dad doing a victory dance to the Rocky theme after making it out of there alive.
Kolob Canyon July, 2009

Kolob Canyon was my second favorite trip of the vacation. The alcove was absolutely amazing. It was enormous. One of those situations where you really hope the pictures even remotely do it justice.

Also, big thanks to the rangers we ran into on the trail who hooked us up with some additional water. My Dad's little water bottle wasn't cutting it. Maybe I'll buy him a camelbak his next trip out here. I know I wouldn't have survived this weekend without mine.

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